
Everyone featured in the Retrats Sense Sostre project either has been or currently is homeless and is receiving support from the various member organisations of the Xarxa d’Atenció a les Persones Sense Llar (Care for the Homeless Network).

All participants volunteered to take part and their individual stories convey different sides of the same problem.


The following people are featured in the artistic and ethnographic portraits: Anna Maria, Miguel Batista, Amadou Diaye, Blas, Carlos Blanco, Elena Fabregat Pelegrí, William Sabas, Josep Maria, Viacheslav Agafonov, Petula Alma, Fernando José Cadenas and Francisco Javier Andrés.

Artist Miquel Fuster, who represents a link between the world of art and that of the homeless, made a self-portrait.

Elena Fabregat Pelegrí, Hardeep Singh, Hassan El Otmani, Pere Vilella and Rafael Famadas were members of the audiovisual team that documented the project.